Friday, September 11, 2015


I'm starting to be so allergic of this.
It seems that I always get trapped  in this stage.
It just made my heart harder than a stone.
Every time I get hurt, every expectation, 
Everything leads to disappointments.
I'm so bloody tired of this.
Why am I the one who always get so attached to someone 
And be left behind in the end? What did I do wrong?
All I ever wanted is to be happy, but it's so hard to be.
I  just want someone who will be there for me no matter what 
And will accept my flaws and mostly will love me endlessly.

A Dream.

You and I, we are like a dream.
A beautiful dream.
Our closeness seems  real, but  really not.
Our tiny similarities are quite overwhelming.
We are each other's dose of short-term happiness.
But just like dreams , we are meant to vanish.
Reality will hit us and soon we are wide awake.
And when we're up, our minds are vague and fuzzy
of what just happened between us two.

Suddenly, I realized we were just a dream.